Gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men

8 questions about PrEP for guys

This client brochure provides basic information about pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM). It includes key messages on who should consider taking PrEP, how to take PrEP, effectiveness and safety, and other...

Internalized Homophobia

This booklet on Internalized Homophobia was created by an Intern student working with our Black, African and Caribbean Community Outreach (BACCO) program.  The booklet was created for outreach to LGBQ communities, including African-Caribbean and Black (ACB)...

“Love and Respect”

In Jamaica, homophobia and transphobia are fuelling the HIV epidemic. Several TV stations in Jamaica refused to air a "tolerance ad," produced by AIDS-Free World, calling on Jamaicans to love and respect their LGBTI family members. So Jamaican lawyer and...